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Cholesterol is a steroid molecule. The cholesterol required by our body is produced in the body as well. Extra ingestion of cholesterol is not needed in general. Cholesterol circulates in blood and as blood cholesterol rises, so does the risk to your health. High total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides levels are bad as they increase the cardiovascular risk. Well its a proven fact that cholesterol affects our body harmfully, but recent studies suggest that cholesterol in some diets doesn’t affect the absorption or amount of cholesterol in our body.

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High cholesterol = Blockage in veins

We have always get to hear that Cholesterol is bad in general if level goes higher. Well recent studies prove otherwise, they say cholesterol is GOOD for you. There’s a big debate going on in medical literature regarding it. Also on statins (drugs used to treat high cholesterol levels) that it was all conspiracy of drug companies to sell their medicines. But to date there’s no change in guidelines about treating dyslipidemia. Statins are more than billion dollars industry.

Doctors nowadays believe that those who have high cholesterol, usually have it because of metabolic disorder, and not because of diet.. our bodies produce far greater amounts of cholesterol compared to what we consume through food. Those suffering from high cholesterol, have it because their liver is unable to regulate the production of cholesterol according to their requirement. A lot of reports are now public after thirty years in USA narrating that cholesterol in fact is nothing and no danger to health. It is beneficial and must and responsible for so many body functions and growth. We have listed a few terms for which it is very very important among males and pregnant women as our food intake is composed of 6 parts:

  1. Lipids (fats & oils)
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Proteins
  4. Vitamins
  5. Minerals &
  6. Water

Though vitamins contained in mineral water are not source of calories but they have role and major components proteins carbohydrates and lipids (fats and oils collectively known as lipids) which are the most most important for your body development and to perform functions.

LDL and HDL are lipoproteins

Often we get to hear LDL and HDL as “Bad” and “Good” Cholesterol. This is because High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good kind of cholesterol and the kind you want. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad kind of cholesterol and the kind you want to keep in check. While LDL is bad and HDL is good; there is only one kind of cholesterol. And cholesterol is also good. HDL and LDL help carry cholesterol in blood.

LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol because having high levels can lead to plaque buildup in your arteries and result in
heart disease and stroke. LDL itself is not bad. Actually LDL has only one copy of APO B 100 on its surface. Oxidative stress can knock off that B 100 and makes it oxidized LDL which is dangerous. HDL cholesterol absorbs cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, which flushes it from the body. HDL is known as “good” cholesterol
because having high levels can reduce the risk for heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a sign of a healthy liver the only thing is that LDL should not be more than HDL.

Dietary cholesterol doesn’t equal blood cholesterol. However, you can’t separate HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol from a debate on Cholesterol. Both LDL and HDL are involved in lipid transport system of our body. LDL takes lipids to the tissues and HDL takes it away from them (and to the liver). Studies have shown how increased HDL is protective of our blood vessels since it can remove lipids from the vessels (thus reducing the risk of blockage of those arteries). Importance is of Triglyceride and LDL in blood and foods that raise their level are bad and those which decrease are good. Cholesterol should be consumed less in diet is only a myth now. As 90% of cholesterol in body is made by liver. Dietary cholesterol does not count much. But yes balance should be maintained in diet.

Excess of Everything is Bad

Too much of anything is not good. Elevated levels of Triglycerides and Lipoprotein which are a part of our total cholesterol count are the main “bad guys” Otherwise cholesterol is good, it combines with other fats and proteins to be carried through the bloodstream. That’s where HDL (good) and LDL (bad) come in to play. Cholesterol also helps in the formation of memories and is important for neurological health. Cholesterol is good for you as much needed to produce and maintain all hormones. Cholesterol supports all the membrane structures and maintains their fluidity in the body which makes it very important.

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Excess of everything is bad. Excess can lead to deposits in arteries which can be fatal. Adding to the complexity, the way people process cholesterol differs. Scientists say some people — about 25 percent — appear to be more vulnerable to cholesterol-rich diets. And of course there’s always good and bad so always use good source in lesser quantity and people who usually say you need this amount of carbs or proteins or fats are wrong because there’s no set standard as everybody is different and it’s always depends on gender in age on weight etc.

One day they will say sugar is also not bad. They did the same with tea. Coffee, chocolate, eggs and lot more. Allah tells us excess of every thing is bad , rest you should eat whatever Allah allowed.

Cholesterol, like any other nutrient or substance, has its function in the body. So does sugar for that matter. The source of nutrients is important but more important is moderation. Cutting out food groups, unless advised by a dietician as part of a treatment for a medical condition, can be harmful for the body - especially in the long run. Good cholesterol is needed by our body to do various functions like hormones and brain functioning. While animal fats, which is cholesterol, in excess amount is bad for your health. Causes heart diseases. So hence eat moderately and balanced.

Diabetes and HBP is the root cause of many illnesses

Cholesterol is good, as long as it is in the normal range. Oily and fatty foods raise the levels of cholesterol, which can probably cause in the narrowing of arteries, leading to atherosclerosis. Which in result, increases the risk of heart disease.  Low fat diet is usually given to the people suffering from high cholesterol. If in case they are having other problems too, then the diet is adjusted accordingly. Cholesterol combined with these two is deadly. Of course it alone at a certain age can be managed. It has nothing to do with heart disease directly, for sure. But the elevated levels of cholesterol results in atherosclerosis. And If you have knowledge about that, then you must be aware of it causing coronary heart disease. But yes combine it with other diseases and it becomes deadly.

What causes diabetes?

It is usually hereditary. Pancreas stop producing enough insulin. If there is a family history if diabetes better be careful. Eat a balanced diet, exercise and get regular medical check ups. Unfortunately it is mother of all diseases. Insulin resistance is one if major contributors.. and what causes insulin resistance?

Executive Summary:

According to this video, the amount of fat we consume is making it end up in cells that are NOT for fat storage. Blocking insulin and glucose molecule from entering those cells cause insulin resistance that can lead to pancreas failure eventually causing diabetes. So according to the above study, you can’t see significant results by going low carb alone. But you need go low fat and low carb to improve the condition. These fat molecules are in places where breaking then down gets difficult for body due to heavy load. When we go low carb and low fat, the mitochondria is able to get rid of the fat that’s existing in wrong locations and eventually create more room for insulin and glucose molecules to enter the cell for its break down as Insulin receptors allow them to enter the cell instead of pilling up in the blood stream. So cholesterol basically coming for oils and fats is a big “No” when consumed out of proportion and not in relatively controlled amount.

It was all money minting drama

Latest research shows: Cholesterol is good, only sugar is bad. There is a message circulating on social media that the myth of cholesterol being bad is busted and that this is was all a conspiracy. This message is based on a report published in Washington post and cites the link as a reference but the core issue is that the message content based on the Washington post article deviates from what is said in the news article. The new findings are related to cholesterol mainly and not the full lipids range. Also our bodies produce more of it than the dietary intake. Also the body regulates how much is in the blood and that there is both “good” and “bad” cholesterol.

Also one should consume animal fat and not vegetable fat

The greater danger in this regard, experts believe, lies not in products such as eggs, shrimp or lobster, which are high in cholesterol, but in too many servings of foods heavy with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, whole milk, and butter. In fact, bacon could be healthy for you as in eggs, butter and ghee. What is bad for you are trans fats such as margarine and banaspati ghee. And what is also bad for you are simple carbs, sugars, grains, etc. Our Pathan brothers/sisters mostly use raw animal fat for cooking. They should not pass 40 if the myth has any substance. Just a thought. But they have the highest liver and renal issues.

Our bodies need cholesterol to perform several vital functions like producing hormones, building cell membranes, and for performing several metabolic functions etc. The new view on cholesterol in food does not reverse warnings about high levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which have been linked to heart disease. Moreover, experts warned that people with particular health problems, such as diabetes, should continue to avoid cholesterol-rich diets. Yes it’s true that there is a lot of debate now on the merits of using cholesterol lowering drugs but this is an ongoing debate for now.

The key is a balanced diet and moderate exercise

Everything is supposed to be taken in moderation and for its purpose; nature has been around and has been used for way longer since we even knew what cholesterol is even, or fiber or ‘gluten’ for that matter. The more you know the harder it gets. Plus its also a body type thing. Different people have different level of resistance to different foods. But it can’t be a ‘bad’ thing. Cholesterol is indeed a blessing from Allah. It is produced by the liver and repairs the body. However unless is it abnormally elevated like 350 plus fasting one should not worry specially if one has no history of any heart condition, stinting etc. Actually the real culprits are processed foods and oils. They harden the arteries and cracks appear in them. It just deposits in these cracks and gradually narrows the arteries. Sugar is the main culprit and should be watched. Walk every day for at least 45 minutes; 5 days a week.

Myth of cholesterol is busted now?

Cholesterol is good for you. LDL is not cholesterol. LDL is a lipoprotein. Cholesterol is a steroid compound. Some nutritionists say lifting the cholesterol warning is long overdue, noting that the United States is out-of-step with other countries, where diet guidelines do not single it out. Others support maintaining a warning. The science of cholesterol is complex so this conclusion is not definitive yet. Even today, after more than a century of scientific inquiry, scientists are divided.  It can be good or can be bad. In fact, needed for the body but excess can be bad. It is necessary for the body to function, it should be in the correct ratio of LDL/HDL. More people are killed by treatment medicines every year than cholesterol itself.

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Disclaimer: In matters of health we are not specialist and any harm caused by opting the above reasoning and strategies is beyond our control and affirmation. Although we believe it is good if consumed through a Pizza. You can buy us a Pizza. Don’t know about it being good or bad, but it’s definitely very tasty!

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