Sun. Mar 31st, 2019

Seventeen HRM Key Concepts

Importance of human resource management can not be neglected, today we discuss 17 HRM Key Concepts that help you easily use any human resource management software or build basics for human resource management degree.

  1. Human Resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees. Alongside it includes attending labor relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.

  2. A manager is a person responsible for accomplishing the organization’s goals, and who does so by managing the efforts of the organization’s people.

  3. Motivating subordinates is an important part of leading.

  1. Establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and forecasting is known as planning.

  2. Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders.

  3. The human resource manager directs the activities of the people in his or her own department is a line function in HR manager’s duties.

A Quick HRM Guide for Owners and Managers of Small Businesses
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We won't mind if you don't; but your can find some really vital information inside.
  1. Strategic plan is a company’s plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive edge.

  2. The exporting of jobs from developed countries to countries where labor and other costs are lower is called offshoring.

  1. Strategic human resource management links the HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. It involves formulating and executing HR system. It executes HR policies and activities that produce the employee competencies and behaviors that the company needs to achieve its strategic aims.

  2. Job rotation means systematically moving workers from one job to another.

  3. Job analysis includes Job title, Job summary, responsibilities and duties, job specifications, authority of incumbent, standards of performance.


HR Fundamentals
Learn HR Fundamentals for a Career in Human Resources


  1. Position analysis questionnaire uses set of standard basic activities called worker functions to describe what a worker must do with respect to data, people and things.

Are you looking for human resource management course?

This HRM Key Concepts article was originally published on LinkedIn. Happy learning of these HRM Key Concepts about human resource management system software.


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Seventeen HRM Key Concepts
Best in line among human resource management articles around human resource management resources that can be summed up into a human resource management journal with key concepts on global human resource management. It tells you what is human resource management and no human resource management websites could excite you enough to peruse it as a career and engage into human resource management jobs after reading it.
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Titantwister Inc.
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