US Presidential Business Deal

Everyone is selling something in this life of ours. Both Clinton and Trump have been successful in identifying their target audience as a part of to land the US presidential business deal. As much as they’re marketing to the worldviews, they have been able to sell as to why they’re selling such views. I’m really irritated by this nagging continuous intrusion of politics in a social media dedicated to business! Yes, I can see that politics and business do overlap on one topic: leadership. However marketing and leadership are, although not mutually exclusive, very distinct concepts.

You don’t always need to be better to win, you just have to rob your competitor of its appeal. Trump is exactly doing that. Although he didn’t directly call on Russia to sway the election in his favor, Trump suggested that Russian hackers should release Clinton’s emails and said he wished he had their hacking power. Clinton loyalists probably won’t drop it all together. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both seeking to market themselves in order to build and grow their brand.

Marketing & Advertisement are nothing more than Abstracts of Euphorically narcissistic Virtualizations presentations techniques of Visual-Audio stimulations which don’t contribute to the GDP-GNP productiveness of manufacturing, industry productions largely responsible for growth & advancement! If companies would stop investing in M&A for instead towards R&D and quality, efficiency, effectiveness during business operations we would have better markets. Adobe Suites are more than enough for inexpensive low costs in-house solicitation and self-promotion on the Internet, Kiosk, and basic Bill boarding. Investments on equipment, useful assets & resources is money better spent to successful enterprise.

Detroit was once a powerful city as CEO ignored many trends and tech engineering that Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong during the beginning of the fiscal crisis caused by the Petroleum Oil sky-rocketed prices. Reinvestments to production and expansion is a grand ole wise decision-making strategy to get the American economy back on track rather than the “empty” picturesque images of Advertisement & Marketing “cheesy” ridiculous unproductive waste of money. Stop the madness of overwhelming solicitations in the mail, telemarketers, and useless energy & resources better used for enterprise & entrepreneurship purposes!

Hillary is enterprise marketing like Envato, Nesta and Adobe Marketing Cloud. Employing strategic campaigns based off data and $. Trump is that long tail of free marketing tools that include ads and malware, keyword stuffing and blind campaign blasts that target everyone. Both tactics have their place and can be effective or painfully ineffective. Hillary vs. Trump who will close the business deal? Time will tell… all the world is marketing. Naturally, that pisses everyone off.

Zorays Khalid

Global LinkedIn Goodwill Ambassador | Renewable Energy Guru | Graphic Scientist | Co-founder at Solar Company in Pakistan | Merchant at Desi Truck Art Shop |

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