Lums turned me down | Arfa Software Technology Park
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Lums turned me down

By June 30, 2016 Business, Productivity

When LUMS rejected me, I felt if they were pulling an extra courteous routine. As if a girl breaks up with her boy friend : “It is not you; it is me”. And you promise to be Shamsher, this excellent food chef… @mastcalander ! A man of valour and chivalry… sweeping all across twitter with …  I am gonna show her how handsome beast I could look [Header Image]. 

Gaining practical knowledge these days is like becoming part of the status quo. You accept a low key job just to seek an experience. Even if your degree does not supply you with enough evidence to let go off of the office culture or work ethic… you can not question a norm. It is a vicious circle. It is the chicken and the egg question.

You might have heard this notion: “dhoop main baal safaid kiye hain, hamain mat sikhao”. For a new entrant like myself… I could not overrule the pathetic/wearing due diligence and protocols. I would certainly like to share my early success story though.

My mantra: Never stop evolving; I deserve better. Twss.

Who is Zorays?

Renewable Energy Guru | Graphic Scientist | LinkedIn Goodwill Ambassador | Innovation Manager

My story?

Self-praise is no recommendation. Youngest importer and millionaire in whole family. Own a Mercedes of hard earned humility. I am a person ready to dig the Earth and climb the sky for meeting substantial goals.

What are my goals?

Goals, I aspire, to experience enterprise growth and cherish freedom through responsibility. Responsible enough that, I am curious, to contribute outside my domain: improving stated premises. So, I am up for reinforced collaboration and proactive valued experimentation.

How I survive?

Inevitably, I fix the problems; not the blames. I judge root causes and get beyond treating symptoms. I like meeting deadlines and project timelines with time in hand. I take smart risks and celebrate wins. I believe in impact not process; context not control. I pay respect to earn respect. Humility that is my arsenal; I am non-political: treating people with respect independent of their disagreement. I tend to see the future amazingly clearly in my head, and possess rather excellent ideas of how to improve things I feel aren’t optimal. I can excel at making and running my own things and the determination I have for my goals tends to be much higher than most humans.

Where does it hurt?

Be happy from other people success

Anyways, how polite is when LUMS turned me down by saying: “we can not accept your application for you are already doing great and overqualified”. It hurts when people are jealous. They will not be acknowledging yet stalking at my naked success. My experience over Facebook, Instagram, Twitter tells me that.

What I am up to these days?

Qarararasha; a merchandising company, Team Titantwister; a creative digital solutions firm, helping dad with Zorays Solar; a start-up I co-founded and product innovation at Enviro by Ruba-SEZ.

Where I would like to end?

By principle, I would reach the same salary if working on the current career path. And me gaining practical knowledge in my current role as Product Manager at Enviro (Haier) supersedes any similar chances if I possessed a degree in two years or so.

I started as an entrepreneur. I would like to end getting noticed as product manager with IoT in experiential creative solutions leading my own manufacturing plant for related products.

In conclusion: An expensive degree will not fulfil the practical knowledge. However, everyone talks about applying ourselves at field.

  • For we gain the vocational skill through a set of tools only available in a work environment. I worked for the notorious Bol Network.Read Blog here: Bol: Fact of the matter is…
  • A kick start is important therefore accept a humble job. I started of with enekon with a monthly compensation of 10k. Now they are interactive art giants and it is nice to put on such experience on your cv.
  • Build some entrepreneurial experience at least. I created Zorays Solar. Have something of your own. You would not be reading this, or you not at least stand one chance.
  • Share resources among your friends. Are you struggling to find a job. Install this amazing application I have set as Project Arfa  a csr project. May be I could help.
  • Academia is important too but practical knowledge, only if used well, with a proper relevant degree is applied knowledge. I own this vibrant project titantwister and hope to serve the reader in anyway possible.

Do you think I am too ambitious? A feedback in the comment box might help me achieve the required success.

Most importantly, build your personal brand: If you like to know my range of skills and expertise please visit: or download my android CV.

Shamsher shares some excellent craft exclusively here! Checkout!


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