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If you enter a room and can’t spot someone you know, try to find someone else who looks like they don’t know anyone and strike up a conversation or small talk for better networking. Relationships are built, measured and rewarded on trust and competence. Do both well & your relationships should go a long way! Communicating confidently and networking is something we all could do a little more of. The excuse of no time is a poor one.

Here are some better networking questions we recommend to ask to help break the ice when you attend networking events include,

A. Do you attend any other networking groups or belong to any organizations here in the area?

Ensure your connections and interactions are authentic and more about expanding the platform of collaboration. Making your business message sticks, learn about four must know rules before making request for connection.

B. What brings you to the event today? Are you trying to accomplish at the event this morning?

Networking is, definitely, the key to generating new leads, new deals. Prepare and set yourself apart to ensure you are remembered. Otherwise, you are simply another attendee ticking the networking to do box.

C. Tell me about your industry and some unique challenges you and your company face? 

Well this question is learning about other companies and what they do. Then, how the individual likes what they are doing always seems to give the most conversation.

Along side, do you know how effective a power pose can be in situations like this, to feel more confident and communicate assetively? So, strike a pose and when you DO enter that room full of people: smile, and dare to make eye-contact. You can be the Batman or Batwoman in that room!

With a good thought-out plan and tactful bragging anything can get accomplished determination with patience. The trick that works is to show up to each networking event with a positive attitude, open mind and a curious mindset by always asking questions and learning. We always let the other person do the talking and we make sure to always be listening. Build consensus.

Finally, it’s very important for better networking to always set an expectation for next steps before you end the conversation. And please, Follow up, Follow up, Follow up.

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