It was a False Flag: Frog Caught in Lahore not for Food

But they are supposed to be alive? Dead frogs are not required for dissection. Live frogs are needed for experiments. Our people love conspiracies. Okay guys I would like to put this sorry to an end. Were there frogs in the sack, YES! Were they to be sold to restaurants! NO.

What is the real story behind frogs being sold in Lahore?

These frogs caught in Lahore were meant for medical labs for dissection as it was a routine supply which police stopped and later let go off these guys but sadly the newspapers and some news channels without investigating posted about it just for the sake of ratings and engagement.

Truly saddened by who follow the lie and spread it further. Good to know that it was a false news but it is high time food industry realizes why is it so easily believable? It is because the possibility of finding a healthy meal or snack is almost zero whereas use of substandard ingredients or Haram alternates is quite common in our Islamic state.

Whatever is the real story behind frogs in Lahore, why don’t we take our food and health more seriously and why is there no action to stop such eateries?

It’s not like people are eating for free or very low price instead they pay heavily and still get frogs or donkeys then where is the sense of service and why is there so much greed that you can’t serve a good meal without ruining it by substandard ingredients or simply unhygienic cooking.

We all had a good laugh around frog scandal in Lahore and Will wait for people to forget. Please be reasonable and don’t spread lies without knowing the facts. There is punishment for selling, trading frog for the purpose of serving as food.

Natural Habitats of Frogs in Pakistan:

  • Ornate Narrow-Mouthed frog or Ant frog in Pakistan
  • Murree Hills Frog or Himalayan Paa Frog in Pakistan
  • Indus Delta Cricket Frog or Southern Cricket Frog in Pakistan
  • Karez Frog or Murray’s Frog in Pakistan
  • Seistan Skittering Frog in Pakistan
  • Spiny Skittering Frog in Pakistan
  • Marbled Balloon Frog in Pakistan
  • Asian Stonechat in Pakistan
  • Persian wonder gecko or the giant frog-eyed gecko in Pakistan
  • Indian Burrowing Frog or the Malir Burrowing Frog in Pakistan
  • Long-Legged Cricket Frog, Syhadra Frog, or Bombay Wart Frog in Pakistan
  • Indus Valley Bullfrog in Pakistan

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