What You can Do to Meet Your Expectations in 2017? | Arfa Software Technology Park Statcounter code invalid. Insert a fresh copy.
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Life is simple but by the choices that come across the path of our life we tend to complicate out life. Object relations, attachment and socio cultural attachment is a hard thing to pry yourself away from. Expectations are also so difficult, it’s usually the ones we love most that hurt us because our expectations are so high for them. Bringing happiness to our lives, marriage, kids, cars, house etc. can do it but what happens when you succeed? Like the great Punjabi poet Bulle Shah said you fly high and catch the scoring things but you never took a dive inside. You fight with the world but you have never fought with your self. Changing when we need to change carry out a lot of emotions which could be new and frightening for whose are not aware and have not started a conscientious personal development. It’s like if you will say: there is a very high stair, everybody has two legs to climb this stair. We should remember that we to pass by a small trail without loosing the track.

Related: Sultan, a Story of self-actualization

Expectations is Mother of All Upsets

Often we get ragged by expectations..then it calls anxiety and if not fulfilled, imparts sorrowful feeling. It pinches in our mind, even sometimes we can not trace the reason for it but ultimately happiness fades away.Expectation, thinking pattern, mentality is changing with self. This is as normal as we are changing physically each and every moment from the beginning of life. If any body can explain some thing systematic and logic way some one some way may agree with it by percentage. But “Many men many mind “! True peace cannot exist in the presence of ignorance. Living in the now, being detached, don’t fall for the voice in your head etc. Generally speaking people are afraid to leave their “comfort zone” it’s only when people are forced to change …i.e. death in family, divorce, health issues, being laid off. etc that they sometimes truly become better. Sailboats are designed to be sail out to sea and not to be kept in a harbor. They are design to adapt to the situations but success depends on their skipper. If you do not go out and experience what you are meant to be how would you know what you are meant to be? If you do not enjoy the ride, why are you on it anyway? Enjoy life as it happens… you determine where to set your sails. The quality of life does not lies in what we own, but in how we choose to experience something, whatever it is. Live in expectancy and not from expectations which are resentments under construction.

Simplicity a Powerful Word!

The best way to live life is living in the present without giving in to the expectations of others. Awareness/mindfulness is the key, be yourself. Continue to make new dreams and goals or tweak them. Consciousness is the Life aim. It is with deep empathy that we need to heed the calling of our ancestral line of true love. Can we be present knowing that we have a path already set up for us? We just need to sit back and let Grace bring us together without resistance. The human brain, virtually, is the whole person; it monitors the external environment where the human organism is cribbed and informs, warning against dangers and appreciating things healthy the person needs to uphold. The internal monitoring the does, ceaselessly, directs and instructs and warns making demands on the person for the health and healthy growth of the person. Every person needs to heed what the brain instructs from its monitoring, and answer to the call for the organism need for growth and protection and happiness. The world has grown to its level of secure civilization from man’s healthy responses to the brain’s dictates. How we interact with our world is in direct correlation with how well we are connected to our SELF.



It Starts First Individually

Don’t buy into second-hand opinions. Being honest is the key to everything. collective authenticism that blame all kinds of lies Is the foundation to gain every piece of harmony and Creative Output for our world Society. For real development we need every single human. Just a word of caution following mortal fallible human being’s recommendations about activating spiritual power etc; carefully crafted sophisticated words are enticing and play directly into our deep psyche & longing for a spiritual connection, but at the end of the day it leads to nothing and also it is a money making business….have been to and also seen many similar rodeos and rodeo masters from the eastern culture before and it is all a bunch of baloney & nonsense…..why not search for the real truth and you will ultimately find it…seek the real truth and you will find it, and the truth will ultimately satisfy the spiritual longing in your soul!!

Mind Body Balance You Need NOW

Expectations are the root cause of sorrows!!! First we invest the time in building those expectations at the cost of our NOW time.We all know that every expectation that we have built, necessarily won’t be met.If it’s not met , we will feel sad, unhappy, all the negative feelings again at the expense of NOW moment. Then further wastage of NOW time in recovering from the self-created web of negativity. If the expectations are met, it will seem joyful and fulfilling for a while,however again the NOW will be spent into celebrations, narrations. Mind body awareness coincides with mind-body medicine. The connection with consciousness of all your surroundings helps sharing the spiritual aspect that we possess. We are spiritual beings living in physical bodies. To be part of the present with are surroundings physical and spiritual.“Be truthful” in your thoughts, words and actions. This balance is the source of good health. Otherwise, due to lack of such balance, our mind gets exhausted leading to ill health and practices. As the Universe would have it, your insights come when they are most needed.

Expanded Awareness is almost all that is Needed

Less is more. Live by the principles that nourish one’s mind, body, heart and soul as a whole is where it leads us to fulfilment. As we become more connected with our soul, we realised a lot of stuff and baggage we are holding on are redundant or distractions. By expanded awareness, we are then truly enriched and our decisions and actions become more impactful. Live in the now and always remember things could be worse! There’s also an opportunity in crisis to find an opportunity to simplify your life, learn to live much more simply (even learning to make life-enhancing soup!!) and to value little things as never before. Our relative material wealth stands in our way in this quest for simplicity, it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a materially comfortable person to achieve self-realisation. Is praying all the time, not at difficulty will improve consciousness. Is spiritual and material is separate that we have to balance them.

“And in yourselves. Then will you not see”?

51-21 Quran

To expect something is to foresee it in the future, and psychologists doing research on happiness have concluded that people are very bad at predicting what will actually make them happy. Expectations don’t often live up to what the present moment brings. Redefine the word “quantum” and then make your expectations “quantum expectations” and declare them met. Then, be rude to Richard Dawkins in a debate. High expectations leads to high disappointment. Low expectations leads to low disappointment. Strategic direction is either prescriptive or emergent. Never loose sight of your visions, change your goals to suit the situations, all it means is take another route, on this alternative route you will see and learn things that will make the journey worthwhile and your vision more worthy. Embrace changes as challenges to grow your self and others around you.


Embrace Uncertainty to Find Love

Embracing uncertainty often opens doors and opportunities never imagined.The regimen followed by easterners in their daily lives are woven around creating an ever evolving personality to decipher the hidden but simple meanings of life and sustaining a balance between physical, mental and spiritual. May we all find the ‘source’ of what is preventing our self from resolving our traumas from the past. We are inculcated with negative images daily sometimes we just need to shut our eyes and laugh as we visualize something which comforted us and gave us shelter when it rained or when the sunrays burned our skin. Be conscious to find a proven creator and not just a character in a book. Be conscious to accept a person as spiritual master who is free from violence, hate, and lust. Reject hate and those who order it. The more consciousness that we develop enables us to blend in more with our surroundings. Which of course enhances the Relationship between the physical and spiritual connection. Being in the present, taking in the moment, embracing the chance to be with the people you care about, making a difference for others as your life evolves, in the knowledge that being compassionate to yourself enables you to be compassionate to others. Embrace love. Love all, like all.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.

-Eckart Tolle

Repent, Pray and Let Go of Your Ego

People need not to pray only when they have problem… We must pray always so that we can connect with the person inside us. Maybe we can term Simplicity as inversely proportional to Ego complex during the life journey of jivas. More turns of life cycles experienced by the witness consciousness leads to purification of EGO complex of the migrating subtle bodies (Summation of MIND and INTELLECT accrued as experience ) which is physical, as per scriptures. Once we commit a mistake, remember no body is perfect in this world, we make every effort to defend ourselves, bring in more such vulnerable minds for further defense, to satisfy our ego and to prove to the world out there that we are right / successful…. which is absolutely unnecessary. It only gives us the temporary relief and satisfied Ego “but you know the facts”. In the long run those facts will disturb our mind, initially subconsciously and gradually, and later you will know it fully (will remember the facts & wrong doings) and that leads to a host of physical diseases. Thus, the first medicine to heal that, in fact to prevent the damage, is learn to forgive (the self and the others). One of the biggests force of evolution - spiritual or material - is the freewill. And its means that we can create our future. Simplicity of everyday acts will make possible, with ours limiteds resources, feel the Divine that is all around.

Detachment in its fullest is the doorstep to freedom. Setting expectations for others inevitable brings us to disappointment as does getting into traps of trying to live up to those set by others or even our very own Ego. Complete dissolution of thoughts (which includes M&I together) could be the start point of new journey in a different realm of non-physical. But, the witness consciousness still needs an ego complex for experiencing which they could be terming as REAL ego. Spirituality is all about consciousness. many people make efforts then later lose that consciousness. with time, they shrink back to being who they were before. For example praying to God should be like having your bath which is usually done twice a day. Just like we are conscious about having our bath in the morning before leaving our homes and when we return in the evening after a long day, we need to have the same consciousness when it comes to prayers and other aspects of our spirituality. It is very practical.

Some Philosophical Remarks to Meet Your Expectations in 2017:

Life is is constantly a battle of decision, somewhere in the middle of it all you need to find a equilibrium, some have health, some are rich , some are poor. Some happy, some sad . Some where in the middle of all the 9-5 emails, agendas, deadlines, kids, bills and a million other things that need to be done… life goes by . Take time to know your neighbor, put your phone down when having lunch, put a smile on when your down, don’t sit in traffic worrying stressed out , you can’t do anything about it . Think about the millions of others who have no clothes, food, or shelter, and here we are typing messages about life. All the think about is where my next meal will come from, or will my child die, if he/ she doesn’t see a Dr. Life is all relative, be nice to people, help someone, it’s your deeds that matters, even on a small scale. Ultimately we create the whole of our own reality. It is nice to see more & more people doing the work on themselves to master their own psychology and flow into increasingly higher levels of conscious energy and abundance. Consciousness of all within and outside of yourself, and allowing what spiritual beliefs we have to be all.

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