Sun. Jun 16th, 2019

Donald Trump: The New World Order

Many in Pakistan and elsewhere will be understandably shocked by Donald Trump winning in the US presidential election, the rhetoric around it and what the election result means for the rest of the world, as well as America.

What will be the global disposition?

In this world of divisiveness and conflict we want to be a source of peace. After this latest global wake up call, the need for a real alternative to a failed economic and political system could not be clearer. That alternative must be based on working together, social justice and economic renewal, rather than sowing fear and division. And the solutions we offer have to improve the lives of everyone, not pit one group of people against another. The urgent necessity is now for us all to work across continents to tackle our common global challenges: to secure peace, take action on climate change and deliver economic prosperity and justice.

Related: US Presidential Elections, merely some business deal!

Out of 87% results, nearly 52% Americans actually did vote against Donald Trump,  still he is now the President of United States of America. The isolationist ideals haven’t and never will leave America, but is blown up when the status quo is said to be perpetuated. With Hillary making an early concession call: Americans have made their choice.

Today this debate embark on interesting SM Statuses filled with ugly humor and most subjective questions:

Donald Trump MamnoonWhat is just happening?

Trump’s election is an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment and an economic system that simply isn’t working for most people. It is one that has delivered escalating inequality and stagnating or falling living standards for the majority, in the US. Like Brexit, we misunderstood the power of a people who are living in fear of those different from them, those who are sick of policies that feed the machine, people who want a change from the status quo — even if that change means “a survival of the fittest” style law of the jungle. An America that only welcomes the male, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, and slams its doors to anyone who professes to be different. It does not feel real, it can’t: that facet of America was just an ornate mask — hiding an ugly face, with lines of hatred etched deep; lines of fear of “the other”, and of the unknown.


Is America screwed?

Even at that time, America continued to wave the sharp sword of an imperialist foreign policy that was driven by greed…For those who criticised Hillary’s war-mongering past - that was the American status quo; the tentacles of an Empire that struggled to maintain its “Raj”. HUGE mistakes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria — and of course, drone warfare in Pakistan and beyond. All our friends coming up with genius post election statuses are not so smart after all. We have no doubt, however, that the decency and common sense of the American people will prevail, and we send our solidarity to a nation of migrants, innovators and democrats.

Will the future for Pak-US relationships be different?

Donald Trump PakistanQuoting more from Trump on Pakistan. He actually has the audacity to say this. Speaker of the National Assembly spoke today to guard the interests of Pakistan. He said it is no brainier. When will the US apologize to us for the Afghanistan war in which the CIA used us like horse fodder against the Russians and when the dirty work was done, they left us high and dry.

Would American economy improve as promised?

This is a rejection of a failed economic consensus and a governing elite that has been seen not to have listened. And the public anger that has propelled Donald Trump to office has been reflected in political upheavals across the world. But some of Trump’s answers to the big questions facing America, and the divisive rhetoric around them, are clearly wrong.

Related: The First US Presidential Debate

On the flip side though, it also meant an America that saw breakthroughs in climate change politics with the Clean Power Plan, and later, the Paris Agreement; thawing relations with Iran and the Iran nuclear deal; health care, education, — some of the landmark events of the Obama administration.

How would Donald Trump enforce Law and Order?

This presidential campaign foreshadows what is sure to follow. Hate crimes against Muslims rose considerably in 2015 and statistics show a similar trend in 2016. If a Trump presidential campaign resulted in an unprecedented number of hate crimes against Muslims, one can only imagine what a Trump presidency will bring.

Is this the beginning of New World Order?

In 1991, American televangelist Pat Robertson wrote the best-selling book called The New World Order. In the most recent times, the New World Order was reinforced by the cult of KI Global Intelligence updated on September 10th, 2012 at the executive briefing room of the River Lodge in New Zealand. In view of the US immigration problems including rampant unemployment and mass round up, this so-called austerity plan was initiated.  Not only did The Simpsons predict Donald Trump winning, they even ‘predicted’ the electoral map and got it right.


What should Muslims do?

Should the world reject the result of the US elections and boycott the US as they did when Hamas won the Palestinian elections? Or should they instigate a military coup to overthrow Trump as previously happened in Egypt, Turkey and Algeria when the people of those countries elected Islamic political parties to power? Or should the international community invade the US to protect democracy? To some respite, Donald Trump has given clear indication of accepting diversity since some offensive statements from his website have started disappearing.

Was his whole campaign based on lies or a gamble?

To our Pakistani friends who supported Trump out of either spite or ignorance, do not be mistaken that Trump is going to be isolationist on the foreign policy front; the military industry is too deeply connected with Trump’s plans to make America great again. Nor are you going to see a reversal of brain-drain. The world is too intricately connected in the 21st century for neat walls.

You can’t just focus on domestic policy in this day and era — and the rise of hateful, isolationist words all around the world means that we, as humanity, are regressing into our primordial Hobbesian selves. We are in a post-nation-state era, as much as we try holding on to our artificial identities. Team Titantwister is still genuinely concerned about Pakistani expats living in USA. We wish that hopefully the future won’t be as bleak as it seems to be right now.

Donald Trump PakistanisWhat pessimists say?

The Americans used to cry about 9/11 but now after this election, they will mourn about 11/9… The day Trump became President… the Canadian immigration website remained down as well.

Candid Humor:

امریکی شہری نے خلا میں سے ووٹ کاسٹ کیا جس کی میڈیا میں بڑی دھوم مچی ہوئی ہے۔۔ ان کو پتا ہی نہیں کہ پاکستان میں تو لوگ قبر میں سے بھی ووٹ ڈال لیتے ہیں ۔ ترقی یافتہ پاکستان ہوا یا امریکہ۔

PMLN and Political Humor:

شاہ ممود قریشی نے جس سے بھی گٹھ جوڑ کیا وہ ذلیل ہی ہوا

If Social Media were that effective, Imran Khan would be our Prime Minister.

PTI and Political Satire:

USA will now know what its like to have a Head of the Nation like Pakistan. A man who is corrupt, doesn’t pay taxes and only looks out for his personal interests, he will run the nation into the ground and take all other nations with him.

PPP is not so behind:

Donald Trump PPP

WWE and the Celebrity Power of Donald Trump:

Donald Trump - The only US president ever to receive a Stone Cold Stunner.

Will Donald Trump make America great again?

The even larger problem is that there is a kind of chronic complacency that has been rotting American liberalism for years, a hubris that tells Democrats they need do nothing different, they need deliver nothing really to anyone – except their friends on the Google jet and those nice people at Goldman. Were Democrats delusional enough to think America would suddenly transform into a heaven for gender equality with Hillary Clinton? Not at all. But norms matter, and they did believe in the transformational power of the narrative. Just as the legitimisation of Trump’s hateful rhetoric will prop up the far-right — making it mainstream — a rise of fascism that we are a witness to in history, and are continuing to see.

Increasingly, the world is becoming more and more polarized. It is a liberalism of the rich, it has failed the middle class, and now it has failed on its own terms of electability. Enough with these comfortable Democrats and their cozy Washington system. Enough with Clintonism and its prideful air of professional-class virtue. Enough! It’s not the social media, rather the actual mindset of the Americans. Americans voted against the political chicanery; alas, they have been ‘cheated’ by this new fellow to dome yet again.

For now, dear immigrants! come back and make your countries great again..!








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