Thu. May 2nd, 2019

Is Humor a Good Marketing Appeal for Pakistani Audience?

We are really missing in our advertising industry is humor which has good marketing appeal. Humor is the key to better branding, more views and eventually more sales?  If you’re a business owner, advertiser, or marketer, you know that it’s harder than EVER to stand out from your competition.


Because people are bombarded by between 4,000-10,000 marketing messages each day. They’re tired of being force-fed “salesy” ads that give them nothing in return, so they tune out, get distracted, and don’t listen to your message. Boring ads aren’t necessarily a problem if you love wasting advertising dollars (or hate humanity).

Humor is a universal language. — Joel Goodman

What? You’re not a billion dollar company?

That’s why you need to be able to understand and leverage the most powerful weapon that advertisers have ever used. Humor. It’s like steroids for advertising. Except it doesn’t screw with your fertility. Humor can help you win the fight for customer’s attention as it has good marketing appeal. What do you think, does humor impact on the long term value of the brand? I don’t think so.

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Humor is what the young generation e-commerce marketers are coming up with. Hustling to capture a quick market via a funny, quirky name. I think humor is the most underrated marketing tactic, especially in B2B. You don’t have to be a psychologist to understand that people like to laugh and if you make them laugh, they are probably going to remember you and be more willing to talk to you. In almost every B2B sector the amount of serious “professional” brands outnumber humorous brands 10-1. You want to stand out in your crowded industry? Communicate in a way no one else is.

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Humor also tends to be incredibly cost-effective – simple emails can be hilarious, generating higher open rates and way high conversation rates simply because they aren’t boring. The argument I always hear against humor is that it isn’t professional, however not every person wants to deal with an organization that is super serious. With businesses only needing to capture a small amount of the dollars in their B2B sectors gaining a small captive audience is incredibly effective. You might even end up surprised when people actually want to speak to your brand! 

Imagine if you could…

  • Inject effective humor into your advertising
  • Create funny ads that people share with their friends
  • Hear new customers tell you that they saw your ad and purchased BECAUSE your ad made them laugh
  • Watch almost any TV show or Movie, and immediately recognize the comedic tools that are being used, then use them for your own ads?

Most people engage with news papers and humor pages. Humor is good if you use it for content marketing. Try to maintain a mixture. Instill humor alongside marketing for institution or brand only in the presence of a unique selling point. Only then, humor will urge people to engage. If you are doing the product integration right, humor is always a plus until unless there is a sensitive issue! Combining creative ideas with subtle humor never hurts.

In the end, if you ever want to attract more customer and keep existing customer base a loyal one. “Just smile and appreciate their business”. Before you start your job remove all bad behaviors like ego and pride and carry on shoulder honesty, humble and Humor in your conversation with the customers. I can guarantee you will see Increase in sales and as well as loyal customer base. Word of marketing is powerful than any other types of marketing out their. No books or training videos can teach you this. It is up to you and only you to be the positive difference everybody’s life.

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