Sat. Mar 30th, 2019

Product Launch: LO-GI Flour by Naturals

Naturals invites you at the Product Launch today at 4 pm of Low-GI Diet flour developed with high quality eight grains on basis of medical research references in consultation with Mr. Khalid Islam, former chairman PCSIR.

Low Glycemic Index

In order to prevent diabetes and bring LDL levels down you need to EAT low glycemic index food. This product is a realization of an idea by diabetes patient as Naturals Pk looks forward to provide the diabetic patients with Lo GI Flour baked cakes, breads and other patisseries. It is the best diet in order to lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise your HDL, prevent high blood pressure, prevent type 2 diabetes, have a good A1C and a low glycemic index, and keep a healthy heart. Lo-GI Diet flour manages diabetic blood sugar level, lowers risk of heart diseases and much more.

Low Glycemic Diet

People with life style diseases like diabetes is growing everywhere in the world. Only thing is people should be educated about the benefits of use of Lo GI flour hence low glycemic diet. It will take long time to people to get use. Any thing doesn’t happen over night. Mr. Khalid Islam would suggest you stick to the low glycemic foods (55 and under) by using this formulation set with years of experimentation and correlations compounded.

[Myth Buster] Cholesterol, is it good, or is it bad?

Is it okay to solely eat low glycemic foods?

Sure, and it may be a good way to eat. Besides, up regulating things like appetite and hunger, high glycemic foods have a number of quite negative metabolic effects. One of the diets I recommend to people is a plan called “LO-GI Flour”. At the heart it is very much a low glycemic plan.



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