[Me Too] Jami Filmmaker - A Victim of Male Sexual Harassment in Pakistan

So hypocrites in Pakistani media which always criticizes the idea of censorship have gone quiet after Jami revealed his rape story. Jami the director of films Moor and Operation 021 revealed that he was raped at the age of 34 by a media tycoon! Media with in hours almost blacked out the story once the director’s posts and reactions that followed began to strongly suggest that it was CEO dawn. The liberals seem to have gone quiet because this time the rapist is actually not a mullah but one of their own champions!

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Jami Azaad is a wonderful director. The celebrated filmmaker didn’t deny when reactions to his post suggested that it was Hameed Haroon, CEO dawn group. In the age of social media, Jami doesn’t need these rascals.

Stand for all victims all the time and it will be fixed. Selective activism is unjust.

Imagine, media groups’ filthy rich men sell a moral perspective channels through key icons! Technically, they protect each other like corrupt political parties. Dawn pulled down his rape story. Probably the Tycoon which Jami even didn’t named is influential enough in Dawn. This kind of confirms the perpetrator was Hameed Haroon. If so, he took disgusting advantage of his privilege.

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Social media influencers are pocketed by these goons of big media houses. Also, liberals in Pakistan need to speak up if they actually mean what they say. From a moral perspective, they shouldn’t just go quiet because this time the accused is not a Mullah but one of their own! Imagine if liberal giants are behaving such a way, what would be the case of conservative minnows.

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SPOTLIGHT movie is the best depiction. Fortunately, karma catches up with the elite too so hang in there Jami, we have you in our thoughts. I hope you get the strength one day to name the predator.

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Disclaimer: People would say Jami worked for USAID so he is on western agenda kind are the real culprits of sort.

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