Sat. Jun 15th, 2019

Young Leaders’ & Entrepreneurs’ Summit 2018 (YLES ‘18)

LUMS Entrepreneurial Society (LES) is to kick off the biggest student organized business event in Pakistan, Young Leaders’ & Entrepreneurs’ Summit 2018 (YLES ‘18) from First of January. Held annually, the YLES is the flagship event of LES. This is a platform where the spirit of innovation, ingenuity, teamwork, and leadership is celebrated as hundreds of delegates participate and showcase their ideas and skills in front of renowned entrepreneurs and business people. At YLES, delegates from all over Pakistan are invited to compete in several business events and learn from the seminars and workshops that are hosted by renowned professionals who have developed expertise in their respective fields over the years.

Related: Why is Pakistan Bad at Innovation?

LUMS Entrepreneurial Society (LES) is the first student-based business society in Pakistan and seeks to act as an outlet for the student community at home and abroad to express their leadership potential, and enhance their leadership skills. It is a resource for business connections, creative ideas, real-world knowledge and networking experiences. Students interested in developing business management skills and leadership abilities benefit substantially from the activities of the LES. The Young Leaders’ and Entrepreneurs’ Summit (YLES) is the flagship event of the LUMS Entrepreneurial Society, hosting 800 – 1000 delegates from colleges, universities and high schools. A culmination of entrepreneurship, marketing, social innovation, and practicality, YLES is a platform that prepares Pakistan’s leaders of tomorrow, sharpens their leadership and managerial skills, and allows them to strengthen their planning, organizing and communication skills. The event this year will be held from the 1st to the 5th of January 2018 – a perfect mix of competition, learning, and entertainment. If you feel that your brainchild could be the next success story, then this will be your moment of glory. YLES ’18 will be a platform for you to introduce your concept to renowned entrepreneurs, prune and develop your idea under the mentor-ship of the most experienced individuals, and get the applaud and acknowledgment you deserve!

Related: Practice to Become a Management Master

The Young Leaders’ and Entrepreneurs’ Summit (YLES) celebrates the spirit of innovation, ingenuity and entrepreneurial aspirations. At the YLES, we aim to coach students to understand why leadership and originality are celebrated and help them in grooming those skills. Like always, the LES host team has poured its hopes and efforts into making this year’s summit bigger and better than ever before. Entrepreneurial Events include:

  1. Social Sustainability
  2. Strategic Business Management (SBM)
  3. Idea Junction
  4. Plug it in
  5. Brand Rush
  6. Investomania

From being turned down by LUMS to being a judge at Strategic Business Management Round 2, I feel compelled to share that success comes with skillful perseverance and hard work and not just by learning some tools. LES has invited me to judge this event which aims to test and develop participants’ analytical, decision-making and critical thinking skills. It urges them to devise and apply strategies to various situations arising in Business Management. Participants will be provided with a case study relating to a supply chain management issue (warehousing, transportation, inventory, etc.). They will have to solve the case study in the allotted time and present to the judges. Top teams selected in first round will be competing in this round.

[bar_graph] [bar title=”Budgeting: How efficiently the budget was utilized ” percent=”20″ color=”Accent-Color” id=”b1″] [bar title=”Justification: Reasoning provided for decisions made ” percent=”20″ color=”Accent-Color” id=”b2″] [bar title=”Analysis: The factors of the case were analyzed and integrated while making the decision. ” percent=”20″ color=”Accent-Color” id=”b3″] [bar title=”Organization: The facts and the evaluation was explained in a well-structured manner ” percent=”20″ color=”Accent-Color” id=”b4″] [bar title=”Time Management: Equal time was given to explain all 3 aspects: The kind of analysis conducted, the kind if information bought and product launched ” percent=”20″ color=”Accent-Color” id=”b5″] [/bar_graph]

Pro Tip:

Ever considered how Al-Fateh never runs out of your favourite shampoo and those chocolates you like? Supply-chain is a fundamental function of most businesses and is a complex process involving navigating problems of transportation routes and costs, warehousing and inventory management. We will teach you how to deal with such problems among others. Moreover you will learn how companies decide what products to launch and the research and decisions that are involved in this, something that is relevant for all companies! After all, if Apple hadn’t decided to launch the iPhone how different would our lives be today? If you are attending or plan to attend similar/same event in near future, I strongly invite you to go through Supply Chain Analytics.

Young Leaders’ & Entrepreneurs’ Summit 2018 (YLES ‘18)
Starting on
January 1, 2018
Ending on
December 5, 2017
Young Leaders' and Entrepreneurs' Summit (YLES) is a unique platform hosted yearly by the LUMS Entrepreneurial Society, which encourages young talent to understand entrepreneurship. The platform has several rounds which include Ad making challenges, Business Idea concept generation and many more.

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